Fine Art Canvas Prints


Our Canvases are printed on high quality canvas using high quality inks.

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We can also provide additional custom and  large format sizes.

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Fine Art Canvas Board

Fine Art Canvas Board Prints are printed using high-quality archival inks directly onto museum-quality canvas stock. To protect the surface of the print, your choice of Lustre or Glossy Laminate is added to each piece.


On Kodak Endura silver-based picture paper, images are printed, then bonded to museum quality canvas with high pressure and heat. To protect the surface of the print, an optional Lustre or Glossy finishing coating may be added.

Additional information

Weight 15 kg
Dimensions 40 × 28 × 4 in

12×18, 8×10, 11×14, 16×16, 16×20, 16×24, 20×20, 20×24, 24×24, 20×30, 24×30, 24×36, 30×30, 30×40, 40×60


Horizontal, Square, Vertical

Side Options

Gallery Wrap, Black Sides, White Sides